Monday, July 17, 2006

Is Iran Losing Touch? - Die Welt

- The Islamic Regime has been playing the "super-power" game ever since the Islamic Revolution. It reminds me of a statement a mullah made at a funeral during the Islamic Revolution. An acquitance of mine had attended the gathering and he happened to overhear a mullah tell another fellow that the Islamic Regime would "make the world theirs." The bold statement was shocking at that time and maybe almost amusing. How could the mullahs of Iran believe that they had the ability to take on such a large endeavour? Was it even possible to think such a thing? Iran, who was the first world power, hasn't been in that position for a VERY long time. It seemed like a very odd statement; however, if it seemed like one mullah's dream at the time, the actions of the Islamic Republic in the region has shown that it was anything but a dream.

The Islamic Regime has been trying to influence events in the middle east for twenty-seven years. The Regime not only openly supports Hezbollah and Hamas, but ever since the regimes of Afghanistan and Iraq were overthrown the Islamic Regime has been dealt a very powerful hand. Both the former Taliban regime of Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein of Iraq were mortal enemies of the Islamic Regime. Iran waged a bloody eight year war with Hussein's regime and almost entered into armed conflict with the Taliban after two diplomats were murdered in Kabul. The Islamic Regime had very little say, if any, in these two countries while these regimes were in power. However, the events of 9/11 changed all of this. The United States' toppling of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein has allowed the Islamic Regime of Iran to extend its influence even further in the region. In both Afghanistan and Iraq the rebuilding of the respective governments has seen people who are freindly to the Islmamic Regime gain a hold of top positions. Furthermore, the Islamic Regime's proxys, such as the shiite Mehdi Army in Iraq, have gained extensive ground in both southern Iraq and Afghanistan.

What the West is doing in the middle east is allowing the Islamic Regime to hold onto power even longer. If the west is serious about peace in the middle east then it must help the Iranian people seek freedom. The Iranian people want the Islamic Regime gone. They want peace and they want prosperity. The Western countries must stand with the Iranian people and help them achieve what they have been striving to achieve for over 100 years.

A suicide bomber was nabbed in Jerusalem today, a few hundred yards from Ben Yehuda street. It's the last piece in the puzzle. Gaza, Hizballah and now the West Bank.

Meanwhile the world waits and watches as Israel takes on all comers. It's a bizarre scenario.

New supplies for Hizballah are thought to be coming in from Syria through smuggling routes in the northeast border region. Debka notes also that this is where Iranian military advisors are also coming into Lebanon. That's why the Israeli airforce is focusing there as well as on the launch sites and stockpiles of Hizballah's missiles.

These have been striking Israel in regular volleys. More than 1,200 rockets have been fired at Israel since the start of the offensive last week. While down south over 20 Qassams were fired during the night at Sderot, Nahal Oz, and Ashkelon.

Today Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki came to Damascus for talks with President Basher Assad and Foreign Minister Walid Moallem. Iran has managed to persuade Syria to raise the level of its rhetoric: any attack would be met by "a firm and direct response whose timing and methods are unlimited."

A little tame besides Iran's threat of "unimaginable damage" to Israel if Syria were to be attacked. But then Assad may be perfectly happy to see Lebanon levelled and Hizballah do his fighting for him. Much to Iran's frustration it seems.

'President al-Assad receives a massage from Iranian counterpart', reports the Syrian news agency in a delightful Freudian slip.

Actually Mottaki has been hinting at ceasefires and prisoner exchanges. Is it possible the current campaign isn't going to plan? It can't be in the mullahs' interest to see their precious bombs used up and destroyed on the ground, not to mention the imposition of a new no man's land along Israel's northern border.

Perhaps Israel's reluctance to attack Syria is spoiling their plot, and they're beginning to lose control of events - if they had any in the first place.

They've been encouraging Hizballah all along, but they have no way to stop the war short of telling Hassan Nasrallah to surrender - which is the last thing on his mind.

If Hizballah evaporates, Iran will only have Syria, and they're the very slipperiest of allies. Ask anyone in the Middle East.

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