Sunday, July 02, 2006

'Iran's Jews don't recognize Israel' - Jerusalem Post

- While reading this article I couldn't help but wonder how well the Islamic Republic is able to spread complete and utter falsity with a straight face. The people of Iran have a long and proud history with the Jewish people. For 2,500 years we have been friends and partners and it is one of the largest misfortunes that the last twenty-seven years have severly damaged a relationship that has lasted for millenia. When an Iranian of Jewish faith is quoted by the Islamic Republic News Agency that Israel is not recognized his/her respective population it is a LIE. It is a lie not only because everything that comes out of the mouth of the Islamic Republic is a lie, but also because every respectful individual in this world recognizes the right of his fellow man to exist. The Jewish population in Iran are not allowed to express their political will just like the rest of the population. Every Iranian whether Muslim, Jewish, Christian, or Zoroastrian is oppressed. The are oppressed by a very small population of murderous crooks.

Iran will be freed and then we will hear the truth from those in the Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Zoroastrian populations about the freedom they had under the Islamic Republic. Until then, all the information that comes out of the Islamic Republic should be taken with two or three grains of salt.

Long Live Iran
Iran's Jews do not recognize the legitimacy of the state of Israel, a senior Iranian Jewish leader reportedly declared on Sunday.

According to the Islamic Republic News Agency, the Iranian state's official news organ, Haroun Yashai, head of the Committee of Teherani Jews, made the statement to the Russian daily Gazetta.

The report quoted Yashai as saying that "We [Jews] are citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran." Yashai ruled out allegations that religious minorities were deprived of their rights in Iran.

"Foreign journalists usually think that our comments on the good condition of religious minorities in Iran are false" and "expressed on the call and under pressure of Iranian officials." According to the report, Yashai said this belief was "wrong," and added that Jews were free to react to some government policies and even to write to government officials on the issues.

In addition, Yashai said, Jews were free to perform their religious duties and say their prayers in the "Jewish language."

Yashai added that 23 of Iran's 40 synagogues were active, and said that Jews had been observing their customs and had been living in Iran for 2,500 years, since Cyrus the Great ruled the country, and that today's Jewish population - quoted at 25,000 in the IRNA report - lived mostly in Teheran, Shiraz, and Isfahan.

Original Article


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